Thursday, August 22, 2013

3 Real Sex Information

Sex Has Different Stages
Masters and Johnson identified the biological progression that people go through during sex—what they referred to as the human sexual response cycle. (Other researchers have since developed different descriptions of this cycle.) It includes four stages: the excitement phase, the plateau phase, the orgasmic phase, and the resolution phase. It’s also the same for both men and women, they said, though the physical details within each stage vary between the sexes.
Women Can Have Multiple Orgasms
Masters and Johnson proved that women don’t have a refractory period like guys do, so they can climax again and again. Thanks, guys!
Penis Size Doesn’t Matter
OK, so this one is still hotly debated. But according to Masters and Johnson, the vagina adapts to the size of the penis during sex—so a man’s length or girth shouldn’t affect a woman’s pleasure.

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