Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Madonna Plastic Surgery Before And After

Some people still can not believe how old Madonna is. Just to remind you that, Madonna is 55 years old. But how can she look so young and beautiful? The answer is plastic surgeries. According to expert plastic surgeons, Madonna has had several plastis surgeries and they think that whoever Madonna's plastic surgery is very good at his/her job.

First of all, it is undeniable truth that Madonna has had botox injenction operation or face lift operation. She used to have some wrinkles on her face before. However, she does not have one single wrinkle on her face. It's totally thanks to plastic surgery. Otherwise, it would be crazy to expect face wrinkles to be vanished in time. Besides, her forehead has no wrinkles and her face looks fresher every year. That may be the result of face lift. Face lift operations make a woman's face look fresh and young and this operation vanishes wrinkles on the face.

On the other hand, Madonna has been claimed to have nose job. Some plastic surgeons point out that there has been some changes with the appearance of Madonna's nose whereas some plastic surgeons denies that Madonna has had nose job ever.


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  2. madonna still the legend of women. everybody must follow madonna.
