Friday, August 23, 2013

Awesome 7 Days Diets Program

Sunday: Eliminate processed foods
If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, the food is off-limits. Or hit the produce aisle for foods with no label at all.

Monday: Lay off the sauce
Not only are alcoholic drinks dehydrating and high in calories, they also make resisting nibbles difficult. (No shocker here: Studies prove women consume more calories after drinking.)

Tuesday: Get a fiber fix
It may be tempting to nix all carbs, but don't forgo fiber, a proven source of long-lasting satiety. Sprinkle flaxseed onto yogurt or add a few teaspoons of sliced almonds to your salad.

Wednesday: Burn, baby, burn
Eating steadily throughout the day can prevent hunger—which makes you want to ravage anything in sight. Aim for three small meals (300 to 350 calories each) and two snacks (100 to 150 calories each).

Thursday: Banish bloat
Broccoli, onions, and peppers cause gassiness and bloating. Stick to water based produce like cucumbers, spinach, and asparagus. Potassium-rich fruits like bananas and oranges also purge retained water.

Friday: Flush it out
Cells retain water when they don't have enough of it. Down 2 to 3 liters each day. Sip slowly and the water will hit your bloodstream rather than filter out through your liver, so you won't have to pee every 5 seconds.

The Big Day! Befriend protein
A healthy, protein-rich breakfast will fill you up and head off unnecessary snacking.

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